- site map -
songlist (0 - 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | (邦題))

Song List

・リンク色赤文字のものはスタジオバージョン、 緑文字のものはライブバージョン。



Daughter of the Everglades CD 1973 Blueprint
CD 1973 BBC Sessions
CD Big Guns - The Very Best of

Deep Elm Blues CD ? Wheels Within Wheels

Do You Read Me CD 1976 Calling Card
DVD 1976 The Complete Rockpalast Collection
CD 1977 G-Men bootleg series vol.1 (Calling Hard pt.1)
CD 1977 Live at Montreux
DVD 1977 Live at Montreux
CD 1979 G-Men bootleg series vol.1 (Calling Hard pt.2)

Doing Time CD 1987 Defender

Don't Know Where I'm Going CD 1971 Deuce

Don't Start Me To Talkin' CD 1987 Defender
DVD 1987 Live at Cork Opera House
DVD 1990 The Complete Rockpalast Collection
CD 1993 Meeting With G-Man +
CD Edged In Blue
CD A Blue Day For The Blues

Don't Think Twice It's Alright CD 1993 Meeting With G-Man +

Double Vision CD 1982 Jinx
DVD 1982 The Complete Rockpalast Collection

Dual Carriageway Pain CD 1969 Taste

Dust My Broom DVD 1982 The Complete Rockpalast Collection



Early Warning CD ? Photo-Finish(Bounus Track)

Easy Come Easy Go CD 1982 Jinx

Eat My Words CD 1970 On The Boards
CD Best of Taste

Edged In Blue CD 1976 Calling Card
CD Etched In Blue

Empire State Express CD 1990 Fresh Evidence
DVD 1990 The Complete Rockpalast Collection
CD A Blue Day For The Blues